
Our courses provide participants with a challenging and safe environment for personal growth. In each course, the same participants attend a series of fine-tuned workshops. Less time spent for introductory work means more time available for fostering the knowledge and connecting the dots.

The course Working in Science prepares PhDs, postdocs, and assistant professors for the main challenges of interdisciplinary research in multicultural environments - in a fun and memorable way. Through exercises, self-reflection and coaching, our participants become brighter scientists, better teachers, and more successful collaborators.

Learning Goals

  • Work effectively in intercultural, interdisciplinary teams.
  • Generate quality ideas and learn to defend them.
  • Deal with pressure and keep up your motivation in the face of challenges.
  • Uphold your independence and find balance in a hierarchical system.
  • Learn from your mistakes and explore the limits of your abilities.

Overarching Goals

  • Achieve excellent scientific results in interdisciplinary research at international institutions.
  • Develop outstanding problem-solving skills.
  • Think outside the box.
  • Deliver quality publications, talks and reports.
  • Build a strong and lasting professional network.
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The course Advancing in Science prepares PhDs, postdocs, and assistant professors for the key challenges of making a lasting impact as supervisors and collaborators. The methods we teach are founded in business theater, work psychology, project management and organizational change management and are carefully transferred to the academic world.

Learning Goals

  • Successfully collaborate in intercultural, interdisciplinary teams.
  • Supervise, teach, and develop students from different fields and cultural backgrounds.
  • Avoid getting overloaded with irrelevant information.
  • Develop a healthy and successful work ethic.
  • Find passion, purpose, and personal satisfaction in science.

Overarching Goals

  • Achieve excellent scientific results in interdisciplinary research at international institutions.
  • Develop outstanding problem-solving skills.
  • Build a strong and lasting professional network.
  • Manage yourself, your time, and your energy effectively.
  • Promote a sustainable and healthy work environment.


  • Working in Science
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The course Promoting Your Research prepares PhDs, postdocs, and assistant professors for the challenges of communicating with a wider audience. This includes but is not limited to giving public speeches, hosting panel discussions, and showcasing ideas and results in informal conversations on conferences and events.

Learning Goals

  • Practice scientific storytelling.
  • Master comprehensible data representation with specialized tools.
  • Train effective speech and engaging posture.
  • Learn to communicate constructively with peers, collaborators, and superiors.

Overarching Goals

  • Achieve excellent scientific results in interdisciplinary research at international institutions.
  • Develop outstanding problem-solving skills.
  • Deliver quality publications, talks and reports.
  • Build a strong and lasting professional network.


  • Working in Science
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